a program of The Town of Oakville Seniors (50+) Services

The Pathfinders Hiking Group is an active group of about 120 seniors (age 50+) who enjoy being outdoors. Started in 1992, we have 117 hikes to choose from at different levels to suit a wide range of abilities and interests. Contact us at pathfinders1992@gmail.com
On Mondays and Thursdays from September to June, we offer 5 drop-in hikes on systems such as the Bruce Trail, Halton and Hamilton Conservation Areas, Oakville and lakefront trails. We meet at the locations in the next panel and car-pool to the trail head.
The hikes vary in length, duration and difficulty, but there is one to suit everyone from beginners to experienced hikers.
* Each hike is rated as to length and physical effort/technical difficulty (see chart at bottom). Hikes are led by one of our volunteer leaders, who have been trained in hike-leading and first aid.

Each month's hiking schedule appears in a monthly newsletter distributed to all Pathfinders. It can also be viewed online by clicking this link Hike Schedules

The fees cover the drop-in fee to the seniors’ centre where we register, carpooling, parking at trail heads, and other costs. A detailed financial report is issued each year at the Annual General Meeting.

If you're unsure of your hiking ability, we recommend that you start with the Thursday hikes at 8:45. We believe it’s better to find that your first hike is too easy than too challenging.


Monday Hikes
Two drop-in hikes are scheduled on Mondays; both are generally on the Bruce Trail or Conservation lands. The fee for each is $4 and they start from the Sir John Colborne Centre. There are some differences between the two hikes:
8:15 a.m.
Hikes can be up to 11 km in length, sometimes have a longer drive, and may be more strenuous and/or at a slightly faster pace than the later hike.
8:45 a.m.
Hikes can be up to 8.5 km in length and are often in the middle range of physical effort/technical difficulty.

Thursday Hikes

Three drop-in hikes are scheduled:
7:45 a.m.
Hikes are 12-18 km and are often on the Bruce Trail. They start from the Colborne Centre or the Iroquois Ridge Recreation Centre, depending on the nearest location for driving. The fee for these hikes is $6-10, based on the distance of the drive.
8:45 a.m.
Hikes are 6-8 km and are on the Town of Oakville trails or the waterfront trails in Burlington, Hamilton or Mississauga.  The fee is $4.
8:45 a.m.
Turtle walks are for those who prefer short distances and/or slower speeds. The location is decided at registration according to the participants.  The fee is $1.
Other Hikes and Activities
Occasional hikes on other days combine a special destination with a lunch or even overnight; these are announced in the monthly newsletter. There are also social activities throughout the year including three evening functions.

Other Things to Know
Participation in Pathfinder hikes requires a valid Oakville Seniors Services Membership card.
    The program is a drop-in, meaning there is no prior registration for participation. And you can try us once without a Membership Card, by signing a simple “Try-It” form. If you join, we will collect name, phone number and email for Pathfinder communications only.
    Come prepared for the hikes wear adequate seasonal clothing and proper footwear (e.g., layers and hiking boots for most of the year) as we hike through the winter. Carry water and snacks to suit the weather and length of hike. Hiking sticks are strongly recommended and boot “icers” are a must in winter conditions.  
     A leader can refuse to take you on a hike if they think you are not adequately prepared. This is for your safety and out of consideration for your fellow hikers. 
We welcome new hikers and will be happy to help you get started.

 +A valid Oakville Seniors Membership is a requirement, but you are welcome to try it out first.

Ratings (every hike has a 2-part rating that appears on the monthly schedule):

Physical Effort
a) Easy - level terrain
b) Moderate - mostly level with some short/gentle rises of insignificant length.
c) Strenuous - one or more steep and/or long rises causing significantly elevated breathing and heart rate in an average hiker.

Technical Difficulty
a) Easy - groomed path such as town trail, street or road
b) Normal - mostly unobstructed but with some roots or rocks in the path
c) Difficult - significant stretches of loose rock/rocky outcrops with some steep treacherous slopes or any other difficult footing conditions.

  • EE easy effort and easy footing conditions - many Town of Oakville trails, e.g., Thursday at 8:45
  • ME moderate effort and easy footing conditions - some Town of Oakville trail hikes with hilly conditions
  • SE strenuous effort and easy footing conditions - may not be used very often
  • EN easy effort and normal footing conditions - for example; hikes in the Hilton Falls area
  • MN moderate effort and normal footing conditions 
  • SN - strenuous effort and normal footing conditions 
  • ED easy effort and difficult footing conditions - may not be used very often 
  • MD moderate effort and difficult footing conditions
  • SD strenuous effort and difficult footing conditions